“He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?” Micah 6:8 ESV
In the book of Micah, he answers the question of what does the Lord require of us? Does He require burnt offerings, incense, our children, possessions, or our bodies as sacrifices? He has granted us the gift of salvation through Jesus, so what must we do for Him? The answer: do justice, love kindness and walk humbly.
Justice can be defined as just behavior or treatment. While the Lord is the ultimate judge to those on earth, we have been called to live according to His Word, to live as He has called us to live as Christians. Christ died so that all may have salvation, and it is our call to disciple and bring the gospel to so that all may hear.
Kindness. Kindness is integral to living as Christians, to extend to those who need the ultimate kindness and love that Christ exhibits. It is one of the fruits of the Spirit, that when the Holy Spirit is in us and we are in communion with Him, we have that divine kindness that can only come from God.
Humility is recognizing that the Lord is your provision. He guides us through our lives and gives us the strength to face any challenge that may come our way. He is the creator, the all-powerful God who is in relationship with us. We must always remember that in everything that we do, we could not do it without His strength and provision.
There is not a large price that we must pay for our salvation, we do not need to give anything material to God. This gift has been given and all that the Lord asks is that we live in His spirit, treat those around us with kindness, and remember that He is the one who has given us this great gift. I pray that you seek the Lord and that your relationship with Him is strengthened through this reminder.