make an eternal impact by serving

Want to help make a difference in the lives of millions around the world? Come join our growing team and use your talents and experience in media missions!

Please contact us if you have an interest in serving at IMM in areas such as media production, administration, accounting, maintenance, personnel, or non-profit development. Opportunities to serve range from short-term internships to year-long assignments to full-time careers. 


Internships at IMM are specialized short-term assignments for college-aged students who want to use their skills and interests in a media missions environment. Interns will participate in productions and will gain experience working alongside missionaries who are passionate about evangelistic media. 


MA Assignment

Missionary Associates (MAs) are individuals or couples who give one to two years to IMM to live in Spain and serve in various roles at the ministry. MAs have joined the team in production, administration, finance, childcare, and IT, and have provided invaluable specialized support to IMM. 


Virtual Team Member

Our virtual team includes men and women in the United States who assist with projects on an as-needed basis. Virtual team members continue to work in their current jobs in the US, giving time and expertise to support the work at IMM through tasks such as audio projects, graphic design and missions team logistics. 


career missionaries

Career missionaries make IMM their life, joining the IMM family in Spain in full-time service to accelerate the Gospel through the power of media. Each team member brings their unique talents and experience to the work at IMM, making the dream of evangelistic film, radio and television a reality. 

short-term teams

If you are part of a church who would like to do a short-term missions trip to IMM, we would love to talk to you! We have teams come to help with construction/maintenance, props and costuming, and productions.