Glasnost and the Gospel

(From Richard Dunn)

Glasnost in Russian means “openness.” In the 1980s and ‘90s the former Soviet Union had grown more tolerant. This included religious diversity.

In 1995, a team from International Media Ministries had just translated 12 of the French Boulevard des Enfants (Children’s Boulevard) into Russian. Larry Killion oversaw the voice over of this work.

During the holidays, we traveled to Moscow with 300 copies of these programs, along with teacher and student manuals: including coloring pages, games, and Bible lessons.

More than 100 CHRISTIAN teachers from across the country came to learn more about children’s ministry. When our team distributed the video cassettes and booklets you could feel the joy coming from the group. Having high quality Christian materials in Russian, was an answer to prayer!

One single lady in her 40’s traveled on the 5,000 mile Trans-Siberian Rail line stopping all along the way to teach teachers, take these videos and other teacher’s aids to make an impact among younger Russians.

As was predicted, glasnost would fade away under later Russian leadership, but the seed of the Gospel was widely spread, and a harvest is sure!

Certainly, there are now second-generation Christians from this early effort in changing times. It’s important to be ready to adapt to the season in history.

God’s Word for Today:

“Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us.” Hebrews 12:1

Pray with us:

  • Pray for the country of Russia and the workers who are still there spreading the gospel in more restricted times.

  • Pray for IMM that we will continue to grow with the new generations who need to hear the gospel.

  • Pray for you that God would to continue to give you the perseverance to spread the gospel.

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