Treasure of the Truth

At International Media Ministries, we are fond of the verse that says God’s word does not return void. Imagine that only ONE of the dozens of partners reaches 5 million people as viewers. We cannot meet them all or know the impact of the stories of the Bible on them. Yet, we know God’s word is powerful, and seeds are planted. People are searching for a treasure that is greater than this life. We are working because we know that treasure, salvation, eternal life, and God’s presence changes everything for us.

One lady viewing in Algeria wrote in, “For weeks now I have been following your programs and I have never ever heard about the Lord Jesus before. I never knew that he was anything more than a prophet. But now, I want to know everything about him. I want to know about the Lord Jesus Christ who gives new life, but I have a problem here, I do not know how to pray.…But anyway please send me the Bible.” Daha, Algeria

Another North African got in touch with the channel.

“I am from Morocco...I have been interested in Christianity for a long time. I have followed your Satellite TV programs and from these I understood that Christ is the Saviour of the world. I became a believer! Now I feel like a changed person. Most of all I would like to receive my own Bible, as I want to know all about Jesus.” Abe

“My own Bible.” “My own salvation.” It took these viewers some time to consider and accept the power of the truth of the Gospel. Now they are hungry for the treasure of Jesus and the word of God.

As we look into the new year, IMM is seeking Berber faces to be on-screen presenters for new translations of the Lost Legacy Reclaimed series and share the lost history of Christianity in North Africa with the people of North Africa. What a marvelous hidden treasure of deep Christian thinkers that defined the early church already inside their own culture that points to Christ! What spiritual treasures can you polish as you start the new year with hope in Christ?

God’s Word for Today:

“I will utter hidden things, things from of old—things we have heard and known, things our ancestors have told us. We will not hide them from their descendants; we will tell the next generation the praiseworthy deeds of the Lord, his power, and the wonders he has done.” Psalm 78:3-4

Pray with us:

  • Pray for those receiving Bibles in North Africa to help grow the church and community in hope and unity.

  • Pray for IMM to find the talent needed to be on camera for unique languages in need.

  • Pray for your heart to view the treasure of the scriptures with fresh eyes in the coming year.

Have a need that you would like us to join you in prayer for? Want to join our Prayer Team? Click the “Pray with us!” button to sign up and submit prayer requests.