John 7:38 “Whoever believes in me, as the Scripture has said, ‘Out of his heart will flow rivers of living water.’”

Water, to me, has always been serene and cleansing. Water brings life to dry things, creates beautiful ecosystems and cooler places, quenches thirst. It is always fun to float in the ocean or stand in the rain. In water, you don’t have to worry about your burdens, you don’t have to carry anything at all really. 

In the Bible, water is referred to many times as life-giving or “living water”. Jesus himself can provide living water to those who accept him, to those who ask for it. What do we do with that living water once we receive it? What does it look like? To me, the living water that Jesus describes, is the fruit of the spirit, that is, the attributes that He gives us in our salvation. It looks like forgiveness, patience, strength, gentleness, self-control that only He can provide. These attributes, this fruit of the spirit is like a river of living water in the hearts of those who are hurting, those who need to hear from the Lord. 

In my year of missions, I have learned a lot; a lot about the country I now live in, the culture, the people, and a lot about my own relationship with the Lord. I have learned how to make new relationships, how to reach a whole new group of people through the Word of God. Spain is a desert, literally and spiritually, and, oh, to be a river of life that can run through it. Every day, I am challenged to strengthen my relationship with the Lord so that out of my own heart can flow rivers of living water. I ask that you pray and ask the Lord what it is that you can do to bring life to those around you. We all have an incredible opportunity through salvation to bring life to others.