Psalm 46:10 

“Be still, and know that I am God. I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth!”

Stillness. For me, stillness is the holding of breath, the feeling of being surrounded by something much larger than myself. In a world that is busy, full of noise, communication, and stimulation, sometimes it is good for the mind and the spirit to sit in stillness; to allow ourselves the discipline. 

There are many moments in scripture where God speaks and reminds us to be still, to allow ourselves to feel the peace that comes from Him. I know for me, this has always been one of my favorite verses. It is a constant reminder that even though I deal with anxiety and can be so overwhelmed, that I can always take a moment of stillness, that I can be surrounded by His peace. 

Many people focus on the first part of the verse. You see it quoted everywhere, that one small reminder that at any moment we can take a second to know Him. However, the second part of the verse is just as powerful. God is bigger and greater than our circumstances. I have always found comfort in things that are larger than me, knowing that the world is vast, and we are a very small part of it. No matter what may come our way, God is exalted throughout the world, He will be exalted in circumstances we may face. 

I wanted to just write this reminder that this verse is something we can put in our hearts daily. That no matter where we are in our lives, whether going through something mundane and ordinary or going through something large and vast, that in those moments we can know that God is there. He will not leave us, He is powerful in every circumstance and He will always be on the throne and He will always bring us peace when we ask.
