Dream Big, Really Big, Really Big!

Excerpt of a letter from John Merrell, former director of IMM:

“Joseph dreamed and it was years in the making. So did Noah, and he pushed on for many years to see the rain eventually come. When the Lord gives you a dream, you do not ask yourself to evaluate the size of the mission, how much money it may cost you, or how long it will take to complete it. He doesn't even ask you if you're going to make it, just that you obey him and fulfill the call.

“It takes a bit of madness to heed a command to do something for which you have no answer. But beforehand, God knows for what purpose He is ordering you to do what He orders you to do. When you have the conviction that He does know what He is asking of you, everything makes sense.

“Never before in history has the church of Jesus Christ possessed such powerful tools to spread the Gospel.”

The idea of IMM when it began was so BIG. The media equipment was BIG. The tapes for programs and the cameras were BIG. A Big God had plans to reach around the globe to find people who were searching for hope on television, radio, and now the internet. God is the master of BIG ideas and He does great things. Dream with us for the Women of the Bible story of Esther to be done on a grand scale for the people of Persia (present-day Iran).

God’s Word for Today:

“For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Jeremiah 29:11

Pray with us:

  • Pray for God’s provision for touching the world in BIG ways through media.

  • Pray for IMM to continue to have provision to buy equipment to deliver quality programs.

  • Pray for yourself to see the BIG paths God may be leading you in during this season.

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