So All May Hear

From Lazarus Chakwera, the General Superintendent of Malawi, Africa.

The Malawi National Church needed to install a radio station transmitting tower and begin broadcasting, but they needed help. IMM’s adjunct staff, Al and Marilyn Pulis, were instrumental in getting it done. Engineering feats like a radio tower – as well as wiring television studios – have been a regular occurrence since IMM began. It is a significant way that people who are unable to come live overseas long term can serve the mission field in a temporary way.

Do you have a skill that could serve a missions community that God may be speaking to you about? IMM looks for media content creators, graphic designers, marketing and business skills to keep delivering videos in Europe, Africa, Eurasia and the Middle East.

Later, IMM trained the team in Malawi so they would be able to sustain the work and grow in the radio opportunities. Training others is another opportunity to serve in a temporary capacity. Through the years many people have served faithfully this way. IMM keeps a list of people who may be able to go and serve short term by building media skills for local people.

God’s Word for Today:

“And he said to them, “Go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to the whole creation.” Mark 16:15

Pray with us:

  • Pray for countries that have local media opportunities for God to supply all their needs and talents.

  • Pray for IMM to have the wisdom to train people who want to begin to minister using media and build the church in their own regions.

  • Pray for you to continue to find ways where you are to share the hope of the gospel.

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