Cast Out and Alone

Nadia was alone and desperate. Her husband beat her repeatedly and eventually kicked her out of the house. For ten years, Nadia lived in a foreign country, unable to see her daughter or son. She watched Christian television shows, and God used them to change her life. One day, after watching one of the shows, she gave her life to Christ. Nadia says, "My only consolation in the midst of my pain is that I now know the Lord."

Nadia's story is one of many stories of women who have lost everything but still have hope. Her culture gave her little to hope for and her religion even less, yet through her pain she chose Christ.

Today, the internet, smartphones, computers, and networks are instruments used by the Lord to teach his Word and offer hope in places where it is forbidden. Media spreads the Word of God to hidden and hurting people who are forgotten or abused.

In Nadia's particular case, everything was over. Losing her children, going to a distant country, and suffering from an abusive marriage was devastating, but God met her via media. He showed his power to heal her wounds through the gospel of salvation.

The story of Tamar (from IMM’s Women of the Bible: The Line of Christ series) and Sabina’s Encounter were both created with women like Nadia in mind. When the world rejects you, God is still yearning to be your Father.

God’s Word for Today:

“Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted.” Matthew 5:4

Pray with us:

  • Pray for those who are hopeless and who desperately need to hear the good news of Jesus.

  • Pray that IMM would find more outlets for stories to encourage the broken-hearted.

  • Pray for your own heart to be sensitive to those you will meet today who are downcast and hurting.

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