Secrets of Gold

We keep secrets for a variety of reasons. Someone shares quietly so they feel less alone, and we don’t gossip. Or what about a fun secret like what you’re giving someone for Christmas? Also the desires or aches of our heart can be so personal we can’t even speak them out loud. Imagine the idea of the Gospel being your secret.

A man in the gulf region wrote to our broadcast partners, "For a long time, secretly, I have been hoping for information about the Bible and Christianity. Finally I have an opportunity for this as I can watch your Satellite programs, in which you speak about Jesus. Send me all possible information.” Abdullah

It is a great duty and privilege for IMM to stand with people like Abdullah and with the channels that are in great need of regionally specific content to communicate the truth of Jesus Christ to vast parts of the world. In places where people will find themselves on the wrong side of the law when they meet Jesus, a time of processing and learning is required to take that faith step. Then another learning and growing time before they know it is time to tell people about their new discovery and a new life.

"Dear friends, I am so glad to be writing this letter after watching you several times on a satellite channel. I am surprised that it is so good. I think I am ready to accept Christ.” A Moroccan young man

It is easy in our western world to take for granted the ability to search for programs and videos in our own language and read a Bible in our own language at any given moment. We have the treasure of the Gospel at our fingertips on any mobile device and likely in books within an arm's reach in our homes. IMM gladly stands with those who do not have this access to be part of their journey to Christ as they look for Him.

"In The Bible Channel we get the Word. We get it explained and you just get it instantly. You just open your TV and there God speaks to your heart. And there God gives you the water of the Spirit and simplifies the Word and simplifies the Way. Because He is the Word. He is the Light. And He is the Way.” Viewer from North Africa

God’s Word for Today:

“For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.” Herbrews 12:4

Pray with us:

  • Pray for believers with a Muslim background to have miraculous opportunities to grow in their faith.

  • Pray for IMM’s opportunities to create stories that grow faith and knowledge of God.

  • Pray for your church community to build one another up in faith and discipleship to be equipped to do serve.

Have a need that you would like us to join you in prayer for? Want to join our Prayer Team? Click the “Pray with us!” button to sign up and submit prayer requests.