What about you?

“Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know” Jeremiah 33:3

Would you like to be part of the army of God? Sometimes, we place limitations on the desires of our hearts. “I can't go on a mission now.” “I'm in the process of buying a house.” “My children are in preschool.” “I don't know how to do it.” “I'm not good at it.” “There are others who have more talent.” “I don't have money.” “I'm not known.” etc, etc, etc. The excuses can keep going for a long time. But really they are all lies from the enemy.

Just by contributing so that others can go, you are going. You could be a part of this beautiful ministry, putting Jesus on every screen, by contributing a small sum of money, praying, and spreading the word about IMM. See how simple?

Or maybe you have a missionary call, but can't make up your mind. Well, now is the time, not tomorrow, or someday. Ask God for direction and he will teach you great and hidden things that you do not know.

Even in the late 1980s, IMM had already established a dynamic ministry. We helped design or build television and radio facilities on five continents. Our programs were translated into numerous languages and continue to be broadcast into places where the Gospel is illegal. Even in the early years, hundreds of nationals from places like Ghana, Swaziland, Romania, Russia, India, Kazakhstan and the Amazon basin received invaluable media training and went on to sustain their own media outreaches. IMM has been instrumental in the Gospel being seen and heard by millions of people around the world. The work continues!

Be part of this. Ask God for guidance on how you can be a blessing and enlist in the army of the living God. Join us!

God’s Word for Today:

“He told them, ‘The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.’”

Pray with us:

  • Pray for more believers in hard places to be bold to work for God.

  • Pray for more workers for IMM.

  • Pray for God to show you the marvelous things He has for you to be involved in His Kingdom.

Have a need that you would like us to join you in prayer for? Want to join our Prayer Team? Click the “Pray with us!” button to sign up and submit prayer requests.