
Abdelmumen is from Morocco and he responded to Christian media online. He is married and has a little daughter. He received Jesus as his savior, and is thirsty to learn. He has a need to read God's word and understand it. For that, he needs someone to teach him.

IMM provides Bible studies and short videos that can be used in local contexts to help people who have no exposure to the environment where Jesus taught. This is a terrific opportunity to enrich the understanding of the word of God.

We all have gifts and talents, provided by God for good works. Some of us have the gift of service or showing mercy, others the gift of teaching. He has given his people many gifts and talents, but we may not realize how many ways we can offer them to others.

Missionary work can be done in many ways. The harvest is great and the workers are few. But, just as Abdelmumen needs someone in his language to use their skills to teach him the scriptures and the interpretation of it, many others still need to hear the message of salvation.

What is your talent? Do you have a talent for teaching the word of God? Do you have the gift of administration? Do you want to help the missionary work by offering resources to spread the Gospel of Salvation? God can help you to discern what it is He has for you, so that the word of God can spread throughout the world as you do a part.

God’s Word for Today:

“The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into the harvest field.” Matthew 9:38

“If it is serving, then serve; If it is teaching, then teach; if it is to encourage, then give encouragement; if it is giving, then give generously; if it is to lead, do it diligently; if it is to show mercy, do it cheerfully.” Romans 12:7

Pray with us:

  • Pray for more people in closed countries to be called to share their teaching skills with new believers.

  • Pray for IMM that God gives wisdom on how to use our talents for this work.

  • Pray for God to guide your steps to be an instrument of growth for someone like Abselmumen and his family.

Have a need that you would like us to join you in prayer for? Want to join our Prayer Team? Click the “Pray with us!” button to sign up and submit prayer requests.