Speak the Word!

It can be a challenge to work in dark edit suites and with networks in far-off countries. We do not see the people who are watching the videos face to face. With an audience of millions in closed places, it is impossible. It can be disheartening and you can begin to imagine that the message is not being heard.

However, when God gives us an order, we must carry it out, regardless of the challenge, the distance, or the size of the audience. God takes care of that. It does not matter if we never see the audience, the important thing is that we fulfill the purpose we are called to do. Then God will do the rest.

After training in radio, Brother Dalo, a pastor in the ministry in La Borne, related a testimony to IMM:

A bus driver in Kinshasa called him and told him that he had 22 people on his bus and that his radio was on. They were listening to a message on our radio that Brother Dalo was preaching about "Thou shalt not steal." When he got to his terminal, no one got off the bus, they wanted to hear the end of the message! He wasted 20 minutes waiting for people to empty the bus. The bus driver reported that several of these people were crying, and when the call to salvation was given, several raised their hands, on that bus. They received Christ and were saved.”

Brother Dalo had no idea that his preaching was going to reach these people on this bus on this day, but he carried out the order. He gave the message and God did what He promised.

Sometimes, we can think that what God commands us to do doesn’t make sense, but it will never be useless. Beyond what is logical or tangible to our minds, there is the incredible supernatural work of God. He only wants us to obey and He takes care of the rest.

God’s Word for Today:

“Therefore, my dear brothers and sisters, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain.” 1 Corinthians 15:58

Pray with us:

  • Pray for those who will hear the word of God today because of media connections.

  • Pray for IMM to be faithful when we know the results and when we are simply obedient.

  • Pray you will have the courage for things that are right to do but seem to yield no results.

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