Bible Stories Reach the Ends of the Earth

IMM has created 30 short Bible story videos. Each story has a part for a local presenter to appear on camera and to narrate the story in their own language. These stories are now in over 40 languages.

After watching an IMM Bible story on a satellite channel, “Mohamed” from Algeria contacted the channel.

“It is a great program,” he said, “but why do we only have it for such a short period of time? Why don’t we have more programs in our North African dialect?”

Mohamed asked the follow-up workers for a Bible when he called. He wanted more of God in his own dialect.

We are so thankful that God called IMM 40 years ago to follow the indigenous church principle (that’s the fancy term for local people coming to Christ and building a church in their own country). With local leadership, it can stand on its own as governments change and missionaries are asked to leave. It’s a great treasure to partner with these brave people to tell about God’s hope.

In a detailed research project, Wind in the House of Islam by David Garrison, missions workers interviewed and investigated various regions that have been dominated by Islam. They found that in the last 25 years more people in these areas have come to a profession of Jesus as savior than in the thousand-plus years prior. An awakening is occurring.

At IMM, we can’t help but think that a contributing factor to this is the availability of satellite and media outlets that beam the gospel behind closed borders. Then local responders are able to talk to people in their local language about Jesus. Each testimony we share is simply ONE of MANY who have found Jesus through media.

God’s Word for Today:

“See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.” Isaiah 43:19

Pray with us:

  • Pray for anointing for our partner’s follow-up workers responding to people who have questions about Jesus after watching a video online or on television.

  • Pray IMM is sensitive to God’s leading to create effective videos asking the right questions.

  • Pray for your local church to be creative in communicating with the lost.

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