Ali’s Story

“Ali” came from a town of 50,000 people in Algeria. He was raised in a Muslim family and culture that told him when you are born Muslim you are always Muslim.

He said, “It is rare to hear about Jesus there. When I knew nothing, Jesus came to me in a vision. I searched for more about Jesus. Many godly men have influenced me and taught me about Him. I was the first one in my town to accept Jesus Christ as my Savior.”

Ali went on to describe how important it is that the Gospel is available in local ways and languages.

“My country is full of people who cannot read. Some cannot understand any language but their tribal language. My consuming passion is to tell these people in the ‘language of their heart’ about Jesus. They need to hear AND understand. More and more are understanding who Jesus is. Many of them are volunteering to share their experiences on our programs. It is amazing!”

At IMM, we are committed to working with people like Ali and other regional people to put the stories of the Bible, regional Christian history, and other authentic stories into local dialects. The challenges are greatest for the presenters who face persecution from being on-screen. Yet, there are amazing reports of people who call or text to say, “I thought I was the only one in my tribal group to be a Christian.” It is powerful for them to know they are not alone and others have walked to Christ before them.

God’s Word for Today:

“Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the Lord your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you.” Deuteronomy 31:6

Pray with us:

  • Pray for believers in lands of persecution to be encouraged by videos they see on social media and satellite.

  • Pray for IMM to connect with more regional people not afraid to proclaim the good news on camera.

  • Pray for you to know whom you can pass the words of God’s hope onto in your life.

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