Challenge Cannot Be Denied

In our age of instant news, it only takes a few hours to hear about the public humiliation of a public figure or a Christian leader. In the mid-1980s as IMM began to grow, the first 24-hour news channels had begun. Satellite trucks covered negative news about media ministries whose leaders had fallen into dark temptations. IMM in its fledgling state was not part of that but the press reports had to be deflected clearly.

David Lee, founding director of IMM, wrote:

“Satan has launched an attack on media ministries because we are invading his territory. For this reason, just a little more than a year ago we developed a campaign to solicit prayer partners who would pray at least one minute each day for International Media Ministries.

International Media Ministries was born out of the burden of the Foreign Missions Committee to use the tools of radio and television to preach the gospel to the unreached billions. Because of the multiplicity of languages, cultures, and government regulations, it was determined from its beginning in 1981 that IMM should train nationals and help them produce radio and television programs to evangelize their people. In a simple phrase—IMM plants national media ministries that are part of the national churches. In many countries, in fact in most countries, the only religious programs that are allowed on television are those programs that feature the people of that country. IMM does not make any small plans. Our plans are large. They are God-size plans! We intend to reach the “unreached people” of the world…Radio and television signals can penetrate the barriers that other missionary efforts cannot.”

We love that the mission stays the same even as the technology changes. Then as now, Satan is against the hope of Jesus Christ spreading around the world and he uses any means possible to destroy the work of God’s people. It is a significant answer to prayer to celebrate 40 years of keeping our mission in focus and our hands on the plow at IMM. Thank you for praying and continuing to pray as more projects need our work and people need to hear the good news.

God’s Word for Today:

“And I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it.” Matthew 16:18

Pray with us:

  • Pray against the lies the enemy tells about the church so the untruths would not stick in environments with limited Gospel access.

  • Pray for the safety of the IMM team and facilities.

  • Pray that you will resist the temptation to believe the enemy’s destructive ideas about the church and fellow believers.

Have a need that you would like us to join you in prayer for? Want to join our Prayer Team? Click the “Pray with us!” button to sign up and submit prayer requests.