If these ruins could talk…

Ruins at a Tunisian park

Throughout North Africa, much like Spain, there are many ruins of ancient cultures. The city of Carthage in Tunisia was the historic site of the capital city of the Roman empire for the continent. Lots of writings still exist and tell stories of that time. However, the ensuing centuries have put other powers in place that have obscured some of the significance of the past.

“Ana” grew up in a city in the region having picnics and events in the amphitheater. It’s part of a park where people enjoy outings during good weather.

Later in life, Ana became a Christian through media connections and now works with an organization that does follow-up to new inquiries about Christ from satellite and online sources. She networks with people who want to know Christ! Of course, there is a risk to this work but the follow-up team does their best to make sure the inquiries are people with a legitimate interest. Ana had been a Christian for three years in the same city doing the follow-up discussions and encouraging others. Then she talked to someone visiting from outside the country who had done research on her forefathers. They gave her a flyer that explained things that Tertullian, a church apologist, had written. He lived in North Africa in the second century; he had known this amphitheater when it was whole.

Suddenly, Ana saw the connection of stories of Christians who were killed in the amphitheater. Her park. Her city. Tertullian, her ancestor. She was blown away. She was so excited to know about these hidden stories of believers. She said, “I’ve regained my own history!”

We can’t wait to get the video of Tertullian into her dialect. Some versions are on the air and she is no doubt talking to people about their own lost Heritage already!

God’s Word for Today:

“Just as people are destined to die once, and after that to face judgment, so Christ was sacrificed once to take away the sins of many; and he will appear a second time, not to bear sin, but to bring salvation to those who are waiting for him.” Hebrews 9:27-28

Pray with us:

  • Pray for the places that try to keep the truth out to be broken open to the light of the world – Jesus Christ.

  • Pray for IMM to continue to be able to bring lost stories to light.

  • Pray that you would be salt and light in the places you are.

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