A Minute Like a Mustard Seed

From David Lee, IMM Founding Director, 1987:

“Could you give us a minute? I am speaking for millions of people around the world who have never heard about Jesus–most of whom are beyond the reach of our ordinary means of missions work. Would you be willing to give just a minute to bring to these souls the good news of salvation through Jesus Christ?

The only channel for reaching into many of these “closed” nations is through the air--radio and television. International Media Ministries has agreed to produce 339 programs in 1987 for national television networks in a number of countries. We are providing programs for 7 million people in Burkina Faso, West Africa; 8 million people in Sierra Leone, West Africa; 63 million people in Germany; and I could go on and on. These are people that would possibly never hear about God’s love and salvation through His Son, Jesus Christ. These 339 programs represent more than 10,000 minutes of air time. Our production cost for each minute is approximately $15. An entire program costs about $500 to produce. We need many friends who will give us these minutes of time to preach the gospel to these millions who are still unreached.” - A letter from David Lee, founding director of IMM from 1987

A minute! The words of David ring true all these years later for IMM. One minute can change a heart, a life. The costs of a minute have changed and the equipment has changed, but the power of the Gospel continues going through the air to touch people. A small thing, the seed of the Gospel flying through the air via satellite, television, and radio can make all the difference in eternity. 

God’s Word for Today:

“He put another parable before them, saying, “The kingdom of heaven is like a grain of mustard seed that a man took and sowed in his field. It is the smallest of all seeds, but when it has grown it is larger than all the garden plants and becomes a tree, so that the birds of the air come and make nests in its branches.” - Matthew 13:31-32

Pray with us:

  • Pray for the media minutes that will be viewed and change lives around the world today. 

  • Pray for God to continue to be the creative director of the work that IMM does. 

  • Pray for yourself. Ask God to use you in big or small ways. 

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