Pray with us!

Our team has been doing intense things. We are distributing and working on pieces for languages for people from Afghanistan, for the Arabic world, and for the Iranian people. The Kingdom of God is growing.

These successes have not gone without opposition. We have had three team members lose a family member in two months. A couple of others are on major journeys with their health. We covet your prayers. We are 15 people with our hands to the plow.

What you and IMM are doing together matters, the kingdom of darkness wants to put a stop to it. What we do is BIG - much greater than we are as individuals or in our own strength. Putting Jesus on Every Screen is important. I’m not talking about goals - I’m talking about individuals who are hurting and searching for a God who wants to set the oppressed hearts of this world free!

We are dedicating the last 40 days of the year to not only pray for our team, our families and IMM projects, but we are praying for you as well. We invite you as our support team to join us on a 40-day Prayer Journey Celebration, beginning November 22nd through December 31st. As we are celebrating IMM’s 40th anniversary, praying for 40 days is the right thing to do!

We want to know that you are praying with us, and we would like to pray for you too. Sign up below and we will send you a weekly reminder to let you know what we can all pray for - together. We promise not to email you every day during the holidays, but here’s the FANTASTIC thing about prayer: when you get to that email, when you see it even later as you search for something in your inbox, will be a perfect time to pray for us!

We would love for you to join us for these specific days of praying, but we know any day you pray will be God’s will for us! We also want to pray with you, so pass your prayer requests to us and the IMM team will pray for your needs as well.