Multiplication has always been a part of God’s plan. His very first instruction to Adam and Eve was “be fruitful and multiply”. This multiplication was not only biological in nature, but spiritual as well. His intent was a world of people who would know and have fellowship with Him. That reality was echoed in the Great Commission instruction of Jesus to his followers to make (or multiply) disciples of all nations.
What does all of that have to do with electronic media? Well, media is a powerful multiplier.
- Media multiplies missionary reach, making it possible to take the Gospel to more people in more places than ever before.
- Media multiplies missionary resources, allowing content to be repurposed and last longer through varied language production and distribution methods.
- Media multiplies missionary results, touching people where they are with truths that can transform lives.
At IMM, media is not our end in itself, but it’s a potent tool to help us multiply Good News to our generation. We are called to know God and make Him known through His son. That’s why we want to get Jesus on every screen!