Recently, taught a basic video production! For the past two years I’ve gone down to Flagstaff, AZ to teach the class in person at Indian Bible College.
This year our account was so low I couldn’t afford to make the trip (IBC isn’t able to pay its professors, much less travel expenses). The good news is that we (IMM/10X Productions) have been building an online learning platform:
GFT’s main purpose is to provide training in basic video production for Turkish Christians. We started with building an English web site which is now in the process of being translated into Turkish. Amazingly, we found a Christian Turkish media producer who just moved to Denver last summer after graduating from Regent University with his masters in film/communications. So, we are working with him to see our materials translated and uploaded to an all Turkish on-line classroom. The on-line course is a great way to “duplicate” ourselves and to be able to reach an even larger audience. (God is good!)
Back to IBC… The lectures have been prerecorded and uploaded to the site. So, what I did was Skype (on-line video chat) the students at the beginning of the class to get them going, then they watch the lesson. When they are done we get back on Skype and go through the quiz together. Finally, I assigned them an in-class project, like using their cellphone or camera to practice taking photos or video about a subject we’ve discussed. Pray for the students to be able to envision how this skill can be incorporated into evangelistic or discipleship outreach to their own tribe.