If you are a fan of International Media Ministries, this will not be a shock to you, but you DO NOT have to be a ‘preacher’ to impact the Kingdom of God. We are media geeks (I mean that in the best possible way, as I am one). We are creatives. And - maybe a new surprise for you- electricians, data entry gurus, and construction chiefs. 

For the last two months, we have had Daymon Asbury here on loan from his construction company. The plan was for a year, but some changes intervened that made that impossible. His wife is empowering us with bids and processes. They are business people. 

I’m pretty sure with some of our local crew helping and then some of our IMM Forever friends, Guillermo and Elena Monzon, showing up, we have completed an entire year’s work in a short period of time. Together, we repaired drainage issues, sidewalks, and other issues. 

There are many references in the Bible to “lifting up holy hands.” We are accustomed to this in worship songs, but I imagine it differently. Each day, when we arrive at a task, any of us lift our hands up from our sides and put them to work. These are God’s gifts, the hands that He gave us. We are his instruments to show his Glory here on earth. 

Lifting up our hands to computers, to climb ladders and redo lights, to write, to edit, to categorize videos online and on servers, to clean, to organize, to give rides to the airport: these ordinary tasks of life grow God’s kingdom. As these things happen, Jesus can be put on more screens, and we can use more of our financial resources to make that happen rather than fix building problems or search for missing data. 

An unexpected and big blessing from this buzzing beehive of activity these last weeks has been adapting our building for LED lights to save money and keep the lights on to tell God’s stories! Let there be beautiful light to make God’s light known everywhere for everyone on every screen!