As I write this, I'm sitting at my desk, looking out of a huge open window...the size of a Samsung 75" TV if that helps visualise. It's like watching a nature video, except I feel the cool gentle breeze. I hear doves cooing and dogs barking. I see foliage of all kinds; tall cypresses, leafy greens, flowering with glimpses of Spanish tiled roof lines. Above all of this, a baby blue sky without a cloud in sight. Lucky me.

Genesis one tells us that after God created everything, He paused to look at what he had done. I would interpret that to mean He admired His handiwork. Then the bible says, “And behold, it was very good”. Now I would never tinker with the Holy Bible, but really? “Very good”? I would have written: “And behold, it was AWESOME”.

But that’s just me. 

For us mere mortals, we too find pleasure and reward in reflecting on the work of our hands. After all, we are made in God’s image so taking pride in our work, especially knowing that it is God who provides us work, is a good pride. There is a fine line though. “Pride cometh before the fall.” Just ask Lucifer how that worked out for him.

That’s a wrap! (as we say on set)

In all we do, let’s give God the glory and as the Apostle Paul said, think not of ourselves more highly than we ought. “Worthy are you, our Lord and God, to receive glory and honor and power, for you created all things, and by your will they existed and were created.”
Rev 4:11