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standing for christ

The Questions: Susanna's Answer


The Questions: Susanna's Answer

Truth is worth every protection. 

Today, in our world, it’s the first thing to be compromised. We lie every day: to ourselves, to our jobs, to our families and friends. Not just bold-faced lies, no. We take pieces of the truth, the ugly pieces or painful pieces, and hide them away. Sometimes it’s to make ourselves look better, sometimes it’s to save those around us from pain. Often, it’s not even malicious. 

Either way, masking the full truth is in our nature. “Did God really say?” is the question that caused our downfall as humanity, and Eve’s answer, like ours, sounds less like a confidence in God’s word and more like a caveat. 


With every “well…” or every “I mean…” have we given away the definitive “yes” and “no” of God’s word? Jesus calls Himself the Way, the Truth, and the Life (John 14:6) and draws a line of truth in the sand: He is the Only Way, the Only Truth, and the Only Life. Through Christ, no others, we can find eternal salvation from the wickedness of our compromises to His truth.

So how do we put our foot down for truth in love? 

1 Corinthians 13:5-7

“[Love] does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; it does not rejoice at wrongdoing, but rejoices with the truth. Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.”

Re-read it, without your already formed conclusions and perspective. What does this passage about love teach us about truth? Once love uncovers sin, wrongdoing, it doesn’t gleefully clap its hands and point, “I knew it! I knew you were a sinner!” No! Instead, love looks beyond, to the truth of redemption.

“Thank you, Jesus, for uncovering dark places. You’ve exposed our filthiness not to entertain yourself or use us for your gain, but you’ve instead exposed us to light. In my pit of sin and depraved thinking, I can see the light of your truth now. And I can start to hear your rejoicing, that through your mercy, I can walk towards your truth. Amen.”

That kind of truth, that kind of love, is worth standing for. In humility, we cry out “Jesus, you are good!” and pray that the nations hear as well. Not to expose them and prove ourselves right, but to grab their hands, joyful in new life, and lead them towards that light of His truth.


The Questions: Denise's Answer


The Questions: Denise's Answer

People in Iran stood up and protested against their government and have been beaten down again and again. Over 500 protestors have been executed for their courage this year alone. Thousands remain in prison. Despite these hardships, the Christian church in Iran is flourishing and growing faster than any other in the world.

How does the light of Christ reach this country in dark times? International Media Ministries reaches these Iranian people through media made in their own language. We want to invite you to see the world premiere of the English version of a social media piece for Iran. It introduces the story of one woman who had to stand up for many - Esther. 

Join International Media Ministries at the I STAND: Reaching Iran with the Hope of Esther Dinner during the General Council of the Assemblies of God in Columbus, Ohio, and learn how God is moving in Iran. See the world premiere of the English version of the Esther Reveal social media piece currently being shown in Iran. Come hear testimony from “Hasti” a Iranian woman who was persecuted and imprisoned for her faith and her miraculous story of how God brought her to freedom. Learn about the power of media in evangelism from special guest Dave Roever and how you can be a part of bringing hope to Iran.

If you won’t be able to come to the dinner, you can still be a part. Watch for upcoming details of the online premiere of the English version of the Esther Reveal this fall. Learn how you, too, can stand with Esther.


The Questions: Wally's Answer

The Questions: Wally's Answer

My name is Hannah Wall, commonly referred to as Wally by the IMM family. I am a graphic design and marketing intern working and living at IMM this summer.

When I was asked what I would stand for/risk my life for, I immediately thought of my faith and my family. If it came to it, I would without a doubt risk my life for my family. I have been blessed with an amazing earthly family that helps to strengthen my relationship with Christ every day. It would be very easy to stand between any of my family members and danger if it came to it. As with the question of what I would stand for. I stand for my faith. My faith, like my family has been with me ever since I can remember and the God, I have faith in has stood with me in my greatest fears and my most blessed triumphs. The God that created the universe deserves not only my prayers in but my public declaration of faith. If I can beseech him in secret, I can most certainly stand for him in Public.

1st Corinthians 16:13 says, “Stay alert, stand firm in the faith, show courage, be strong.” Much like I am learning about standing firm in my faith I am reminded of Paul’s words.