We recently celebrated the 40th anniversary of International Media Ministries.  For 40 years IMM missionaries have reached out with the Gospel into open and closed regions all over the globe.

The number 40 is significant in the Bible.

The Israelites wandered in the desert for 40 years. Moses was on Mount Sinai for 40 days. The prophet Ezekiel laid on his right side for 40 days. God flooded the Earth for 40 days. Goliath mocked and taunted the Israelites for 40 days. Three Kings in the Bible reigned for 40 years each: Saul, David, and Solomon. The holy place of the temple was 40 cubits long. God gave Nineveh 40 days to repent. There are many more examples. Forty days in the desert.

What soon becomes apparent is that the number 40 symbolizes testing, trials, and triumphs.

If you’ve read this far, maybe you are a former IMM Director, IMM team member, or a faithful supporter. Then you know that doing the work of God is indeed marked by testing, trials, and triumphs.

I’m the only one who has worked for the Lord under all four Directors. I’ve seen all of us journey through our amazing times at IMM. Sometimes our tests are too public, many times the trials are private and battle us when the night is quiet. However, one thing I can tell you with conviction, the triumphs are for all of us.

Millions have heard. Millions. I will stand by that figure because I’ve seen the numbers roll in over the years. I’ve seen the open doors in front of us. The Iron Curtain fell and the Truth in image moved in out of our humble IMM studios. We have suffered exile and the fiery darts. Directors and their families strived and contended as Royalty because of their conviction and calling, sometimes waiting on future triumphs.

The techies, scholars and weirdos carried the Gospel into the Far and Middle East. We’ve battled our own thoughts and severe restrictions through the pandemic.

Today the world continues to hurt. Indeed, the worst may be right around the corner, but friends, we have a marker. Forty years. As God wills it, we will continue on this journey, and we will succeed.