Learning and Growing in God

A viewer in the Iran/Afghanistan/Tajikistan region wrote:

“In the past, I came to the conclusion through my studies that Christianity was a heresy. However, when I started watching your programs, I realized that it is the most complete of all religions. It is a religion that shows happiness in this world and the world to come. Jesus raised people from the dead and gave them life. Blessed are the followers of this religion. Thank you for your programs.”

In many nations, there are not enough workers and volunteers who speak the local languages ​​and who have the will or courage to teach the word of God in the face of persecution. We in America are blessed to be able to hear the teachings of Jesus without such fear.

A parable in the Bible tells the story of a master who distributed talents to his servants. To one he gave five talents, to another he gave two and to another, he gave one. Each of them thought differently about how to use their talents before the master returned from a trip. The one with the five talents used them to produce more and later he gained five more. The one with the two talents also used them to produce more, and he doubled his two talents. The one who only had one talent decided to keep it, hide it, and not risk anything by trying to multiply it. When the master returned, he was very happy with the results of the first two. With the latter, he was not happy. On the contrary, he decided to take away his one and only talent, since he had hidden it instead of putting it to good use.

Perhaps this happens to all of us in life. When we are afraid of losing what we have, we do not share it with others. This doesn’t just happen with material things; it could be gifts or skills that you have that you don't want to sacrifice because of the time, effort, or change it would require.

It’s easy to fall into thinking of ourselves first and the strain it will take to help someone else. But with a fresh eye and guidance from the Holy Spirit, we can begin to see specific needs that we are called and equipped to meet if we just lean into the talents God has given us. It’s a journey of faith and God is the guide. As we join hands, the kingdom is grown and salvation reaches the ends of the earth.

God’s Word for Today:

“His master said to him, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant. You have been faithful over a little; I will set you over much. Enter into the joy of your master.’” Mathew 25:23

Pray with us:

  • Pray for more people to be called to teach and train in closed countries to disciple new believers.

  • Pray for IMM to empower the local believers with content to grow their faith.

  • Pray that you will know how to use your talents in more creative ways in the new year.

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