Children’s Programming Needed Then and Now

From a 1991 IMM Report:

IMM’s production team for Boulevard des Enfants

“We are working with CBN to produce their animated Bible story series, Superbook, in the Romanian language. There are 104 episodes in the series. The IMM team is working almost around the clock to get the first 26 of these programs ready for broadcast beginning November 18. All 104 programs must be completed by the end of March.

“When the Superbook programs were shown in four Russian cities, more than 1 million children responded to a single ad that was played at the end of one program. Hanu Halku was the chairman of the post office box receiving the responses from the program. The post office called and said, “You don't need a post office box, you need a post office.” 30,000 letters came to that one post office box on the very first day!

“There are already over a million pieces of follow-up literature in Romania, and 20 full-time workers have been set up by CBN to meet the expected response.”

The tremendous thing is that as we travel to conferences today, we meet people who are second-generation believers who saw a program like Boulevard des Enfants (a French childrens’ program produced by IMM) or Superbook as children when their parents were new believers. Our follow-up connections say these second-generation believers make the best follow-up partners. They understand and can communicate with people who are on a new journey to know Jesus in challenging places. Children's programming continues to be one of the most needed types of media today. We want to fulfill that need!

God’s Word for Today:

But Jesus called the children to him and said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.” Luke 18:16

Pray with us:

  • Pray for children to be instruments of bringing their families to Christ as they watch “safe” Christian programs.

  • Pray for IMM as we develop new programming for children in the next few years.

  • Pray for your words to be ones that build up the next generation.

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