What Could Penetrate the Darkness?

In 2005, John Merrell, former director of IMM, wrote:

“What could penetrate the spiritual darkness, the desert of North Africa? Something very small, hard to detect, and difficult to control - like a satellite broadcast, a radio signal, or an Internet site - becomes an incredible tool in God’s hands. No boundary can stop the wind of God’s Spirit in countries such as Libya, Tunisia, Morocco, or Algeria, where the Gospel is absolutely forbidden.

From the start in 1981, International Media Ministries established a global witness of Jesus Christ through media. Our Father is in the communication business. And the explosion in communication technology through the years opened doors of opportunity for evangelism in nations that at the time had virtually no Gospel witness.

Never before in history has the church of Jesus Christ possessed such powerful tools to spread the Gospel. Never before in history have converted Muslim believers been willing to allow their faces and their names on television. In doing this, they put their very lives at risk.”

The first Christian programs were broadcast into North Africa to see what would happen. An Arab Christian brother shared this story:

“I have been a Christian for some time and witnessed to many, including my mother. She is a simple woman, 65, illiterate, Muslim...like thousands of others. I asked her to watch the program with me. She did - again and again, week after week.

Then she said, ‘This man is telling the truth. He is an honest man. I believe this man, this book. I never knew Christians could be good. I never understood the message of Christians before. This man is good. Do you see how he raises his hands when he prays to God? This is very good.’

Some weeks passed and finally, she asked me to help her pray ‘in Jesus name’ before going to bed.”

God’s Word for Today:

“Hear my cry for mercy as I call to you for help, as I lift up my hands toward your Most Holy Place.” Psalm 28:2

Pray with us:

  • Pray for regional people to have the courage to share about Jesus with their family and neighbors.

  • Pray for God to guide IMM to create programs that are effective in presenting the gospel.

  • Pray for boldness to share the gospel with your family members who do not know the Lord.

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