I’ve been carrying the same Top Flight Composition Notebook on and off since October of 2010. It’s not the first one; it’s just the most recent. I picked up the habit of using it for to-do lists, approximately one page per week. Most weeks, there are many tasks that go undone and get written down on the following page. At the moment, I’m feeling stress to finish most of the jobs on my list before the end of the year.
In a way, I’m very much like this book of lists. I’m constantly not as complete as I would like, or that maybe others would like. I don’t always check my boxes. I sometimes get my priorities rearranged. But I’m thankful for the truth in this verse from Philippians:
And I am certain that God, who began the good work within you, will continue his work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns. (Phil. 1:6, NLT)
Do you sense unfinished tasks in your life? Did the things you set out to do last January bite the dust? Do you ever feel like there’s no point in trying? Take heart! This verse promises that if we allow Him to continue the work… trust His processes to bring change in our lives… believe that He is able to accomplish the impossible… then we can know a day of finishing will come.